Saturday, April 10, 2010

Changing plans and expensive teeshirts

Tomorrow I had planned to run the Santa Cruz 10k - I'd enrolled months ago and with Nashville on the 24th it seemed like a good idea.  On Wednesday Case announces that he thinks I should just run the it is.  Although registation is full for the half I am just going to keep running at the turnaround point.  Seems hillarious to me that I've gone from barely being able to run 3miles to running two half marathons in a month.  I'm not going to run it for a personal best (although some have their doubts given, what appears to be,  my deeply internalized competitive streak) but just clock the miles......honest, I'll really try to suppress the urge to look at my watch too often.  It's a beautiful run along the coast but weathers suddenly gone all sad again so it might be a wet one - that could be kind of fun too.
I've also had to add an additional day to my Nashville trip.  Airline called to say I either flew out at 5am on the Sunday after the race or next best time was 3pm Monday.....ummm let me think about that for two seconds!  Of course adding a day adds a days accommodation.....this race really has proven to be very expensive (and all I get is a teeshirt!).  But then it is all about country music and Nashville!!!  On the upside I do get extra time in Nashville to do things other than run.  Lila and her family have invited me to dinner on the Saturday night then I'll use Sunday/Monday to do the touristy things.  I also think the extra day off work will be refreshing so while I sound a little whiny this is going to be one of those memorable moments that make for good story telling, particularly as no one I know likes country music like I do.

1 comment:

unPC lesbian said...

One could mock and say "told you so", but I will refrain!!