Saturday, December 22, 2012


Woohoo, the working year is done! Been quite an interesting journey, given the unexpected promotion. Two weeks ago I went to the Senior Managers Milestone training. Two days of lot of very senior folk telling you what it actually means to be a SM. This followed by a discussion with my career counsellor at the Xmas party where he casually says "so Jody, we need to talk about setting you up to become a Partner"....OMG, I'm still trying to figure out how to be a SM! I can't complain I don't have lead ship support but, ummm, do I really need to think about this now????
Other things. Birthday I worked from home then spent the evening with Sharene and the kids. Madison (her daughter) made me a cake.

And they all put up happy birthday signs.

We had burritos (my choice) and just hung out. Friday I took off work so walked Sharene's labrador and then went for a 7 mile run.
I got some Xmas cheer in the house.

It's an Xmas tree bouquet!
Mum arrives tomorrow and tonight Sharene and I are off to a cocktail party at Pete & Amy's, Pete being the kiwi guy who works with Irene in Santa Cruz.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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