Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So I somewhat reluctantly had to concede last weekends race as a bad idea. While I have been running I knew I hadn't done the cumulative miles it would take to actually enjoy the race and not risk injury. I felt disappointed in myself but also felt it was the right decision. I ran the New Orleans marathon last year woefully under prepared - it was kind of miserable at the end and I vowed I'd never do it again. On the upside it has re-inspired me to get on a more structured training plan.
Despite not doing the run I did have a very physical weekend. Sharene and I went for a trail run and big walk Saturday and then Sunday S & I and the kids went for another run then off to the beach.

It was lovely and warm on the beach but the water was freezing!
Afterwards we gathered some rocks and painted them.

I've never painted rocks....it was fun.

Random shot of SF taken from the top of the hill near home.
Also random shot of Lotte surveying her queendom.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

unPC lesbian said...

Is there ever a shor of the ocean at SF WITHOUT the fog bank on the horizon?