Sunday, April 13, 2008

Doing stuff

It's been a busy few weeks. First I bought my self a stunt kite. It's very cool (Prism E2) and very "dramatic" to fly. Michelle and I took it out for its first flight last weekend. It was pretty windy down at the beach and I got to figure out really quickly that this kite wasn't going to be for the faint hearted. It came with a DVD and book of tricks. It's heaps of fun and makes a great noise while it's flying. I did get dragged along the beach a little though (accompanied by Michelle's excited screams).
Michelle also announced that she didn't think that I got enough culture and so got us tickets to the Romeros, which, as it turns out, are a very famous guitar quartet. They play classical guitar so not something everyone would have thought to invite me to! They were fantastic! Orignially from Spain it seemed timely to be listening to them in advance of leaving for Barcelona on the 17th.
Saturday I caught up with my pal from work and her husband. Spent a lovely few hours on the deck of their beach house - drinking a very lovely Pinot Noir from the the Santa Cruz mountains - then headed out to dinner in Capitola with them and a couple of their friends. Capitola (I've mentioned it before) is this very cute seaside village not far from Santa Cruz. Not sure how to describe it - upmarket seaside village with the feel of a holiday town and a real buzz in the air - accompanied by very good food and fabulous views. We then went back to one of the friends houses for dessert. Heaps of fun and, very generously, they all paid for my meal.
On the work front it looks like I am going to move to a new contract. Still at Cisco, not the one I origninally wanted......better I think. May know for sure before I head to Spain. I'll fill in more when I know.
If it's not already obvious I'm not heading up to Walnut Creek anymore. No hearts broken and no bad behaviour by anyone (can't under estimate the value of that!). Had a grand time but it wasn't going anywhere. Life keeps moving forward.

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