Sunday, July 20, 2008

Poor Veitch........

I've given up......I can't stand to read one more story about how hard Veitch is taking it.......what a terrible situation he is in.......with, at most, one line mentions of the victim and more than some implication that she is orchestrating the whole what if she is.....Veitch made his choices now he gets to live with the consequences........gee maybe he missed the doesn't much change anything....maybe a little less writing a cheque to have it go away and more checking in...... How strange it is for the NZ media to finally wake up to their own narrow minded bias (well no, mostly TVNZ who lost their golden boy)......, the NZ media turned on their own and now they are startled and horrified at their own ability to destroy peoples lives. Go figure. I'm speechless but not surprised.

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