Saturday, July 11, 2009


oooooook, so everyone knows about skunks, they are quite special and, well, kinda cute when you look at them.  They are not special nor cute when they freak out and decide to expend that special skunk smell.  Thursday night I'm having a perfectly nice time sitting in my house watching a DVD when a very special smell hits me (yeah I knew what it was, I've smelt it on the road....but then you get to fly past it....).  Shite, so bad I get up turn on the outdoor light and open my front door....hear scrabbling and a quiet voice from the new renting neighbors say "hello"....well "hi, is that a  possum (because I've forgotten I mean skunk because I'm startled someone spoke!)".....very quiet reply "no, my dog just got sprayed by a skunk"....."okay, well worse for the dog".....close my door, fairly confident most of what I said was lost in translation. Friday I wake up like I have the flu.....feel terrible.  Working from home and drag my laptop into my bedroom and literally work from meeting to meeting feeling like I want to curl up and leave the planet....that would be good, but I have a job to do!  Takes me all day to get to the Tylenol (read Panadol) because I don't immediately think "find pain killers"  and I am seriously napping between meetings.  Thankfully I am working from home - napping in the office might not work.  Note to self: skunks may have a detrimental effect on your physical well being, even if they don't mean to.  

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