Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday morning procrastination.....

I should be out running, 15m/24km on The Plan.  I know I'll go but in the meantime still putzing around finding excuses.  By the end of Sunday I will have run 40 miles in total.  Overall to train to run 26.2 miles I will have run 509m/819km.  I will have to do many many more miles to run 50 in September.  I am excited and nervous about the thought of running 50 miles but feel hugely motivated and inspired to imagine actually doing it!
Work has been busyish with new opportunities to do what I do best ..... release comms.  Odd to think four years ago I wrote about having no idea what I was really doing in High Tech, never having done anything on this scale nor in the land of IT.  Now I have become somewhat of an expert, able to bring a lot of practical experience to the table and offer advice and guidance along the way.  It does get tedious as, for me, it is the same cycle with a different crowd.  In the end though I know there will be a huge sense of satisfaction as the machinery falls into place and it all takes on a life of its own that no longer requires my presence nor input to keep it going.  At that point it's easy to let go and have it work as it will, in the interim, many debates, arguments and frustrations to be dealt with.
It's also our mid-year performance reviews.  I have given mine to my team and enjoyed the discussions and thinking process around having the team grow their skills.  I am still so new to ACN that I'm also learning how these things go and how to offer the best guidance.  I also have a "counsellee".  Every employee is given a career counsellor and you have the option to change them out if it isn't working for you.  As a manager I can also take on counsellees. One of my peeps asked if I would be theirs - so I am helping him plan his career and guide him to good choices.  All new again.  I'm also a "coach" for two analysts who are  the leads in an initiative ACN have to create a community of analysts, organizing learning events and helping them build networks (coaching the Comms Lead and the Inclusion and Diversity Lead).  Smart, engaging College grads who, mostly, just need to learn skills around being in the workforce and how to organize their work.  None of it takes up much time so I'm okay with it.
Almost done with painting the Bathroom (today probably) then I can rebuild that and the dining to follow!
That's it really - off to LA with Irene to visit Michelle next weekend........awesome to be able to hop on a plane and 50mins later be in LA......equivalent of Wellington > Auckland!  Milan looms large and I have bravely gone to the doctor, had a full checkup (had to say how much I hate going to the doctor).....all on the back of needing a medical certificate that says I am fit enough to run the marathon.  Alot of European races require one.  Funny the U.S they just let you run, no questions asked but saftey measures and waivers abound.  Europe it seems often requires one but safety measures not quite so apparent!
Okay, gotta run.......

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