Thursday, May 17, 2012

The week that is

It's been a big working week.  My optimism about that 14 miler run on Saturday didn't quite come through, although I did run 15 on Sunday.  The last 7 days have gone something like this; working until midnight on Friday then back in the office at 8am on Saturday, out of the office at 2pm.  Sunday awesome run to Sausalito then back at the day job Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday........long days.  We are in the middle of the annual performance process so I have been part of a range of discussions to finalize peoples performance reviews.  I actually enjoy this on a lot of levels (much helped by having a fab team working for me) but we do run a particularly rigorous process so alot of new learning for me as I sit through and contribute to the various discussions.  Alongside this we are continueing to pitch for new work and I went to meet the "prospective" new clients.  Given I've never done this type of thing for ACN before that was also a new learning moment.  The Partner and my manager are being totally fab about coaching me through parts of it and I feel no small privellage in having been asked to contribute at all!  All of this has pushed me outside my comfort zone but also tapped into some of the skills I haven't been able to use for a while.  It's all exciting and hasn't made for the best training week but some weeks just are what they are and I'll make sure to get my long run in this weekend (well if I don't I'll go nuts). 

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