Thursday, November 11, 2010

Done done done

Can't load photos here yet (not until after Ireland) but had to capture the buzz that is running the NY Marathon. This was a totally awesome experience beginning to end! Fortunately the TFKs pick up was just around the corner from the hotel. Rose walked with me at 530am and I boarded one of the 10 buses on hand. People were friendly but we were all a little wound up. 45min trip to Staten Island. Rose and I had gone on the marathon bus tour on Saturday so I had some insight into what to expect once we arrived. With around 45000 people running and all the volunteers Fort Wadsworth had turned into a little village. TFKs had a separate tent space while most others had to find a place on the ground. I sat in a sunny patch and tried to keep warm. I had new "throw away" sweats so was reasonably warm. While we were there around 730 I wasn't due to run until 1010.....three waves starting from 940.....wheelchairs and the professionals had gone out already. 45mins before the start we did a warm up and in the end all went into one corral to run as a team. The place was jam packed. As we moved toward our start people shed clothing, which is then collected and given to charity. As we prepared to start they played New York New York over the speakers and everyone sung! Then we were off. Course starts at the Verrazano Bridge and all up hill for the first mile. Honestly you feel so high you don't even notice. I just tried to not go out too fast and keep a steady pace. As we ran through the various boroughs the crowds were totally amazing cheering yelling encourage place just hummed. I never even put my I-pod on. The only area with no spectators was the orthodox jewish area in Brooklyn. These folk wear traditional garb and live very strictly by religious laws. It was very surreal as the suburbs on either side were crazed. Definitely to big highlights....turning onto 1st ave in Manhatten and seeing the sea of heads bobbing along for miles ahead and turning into Harlem coming over the bridge from the Bronx (which as a hard section.....people starting to lose it as we were coming up on mile 22....if you had gone out too hard this was where it hit you). Rose and I had preset some meeting places but we totally missed each other. A bummer for rose....looking for her kept me distracted though. I really started to feel the pain with two miles to go (no matter what distance always at 2 miles to go). Turning into Central Park for those last 400 feet was crazed and I determinedly attempted a little sprint at the end - crossed the line grinning from ear to ear, legs aching and close to happy tears....more later, in Dublin now and about to go out adventuring.

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