Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks Giving

Woken to a lovely vintage San Fran day.  Not a cloud in the sky and perfect day for running.  Irene, Lotte and I have just come back from a run along the Embarcadero.  Whenever I run along this stretch of waterfront I am always struck by how like Wellington's water front it is.  The views out to the harbour are spectacular and there is alot of public art along the way, as well as some iconic buildings.  The Trams give it a uniquely San Francisco feel.

Much like Wellington too, the locals come out in all weather but particularly on sunny days like today.  Tourists abound as the Embarcadero turns into Fisherman's Wharf and, for those that recall, my longer runs along this route lead into the Marina district and, ultimately, to the base of Golden Gate Bridge.  There are days when I am quite startled to find myself living here.  Even more startling to think that this afternoon I will most likely be walking in Golden Gate Park!
With Pauline and Bernice visiting in January I am prompted to think about some of the things they might like to see and do.  One of the loveliest things about San Francisco is that strolling around can be an adventure in itself!
Having two days off is a delight as I have been planning all the upcoming adventures.  I'll share some more next posting, for now off to shower and get ready to head out for Thanks Giving dinner.  Pete is, by all accounts, a fab cook so, yet again, I land on my feet with the foodies (me being a lover of food but not the most adventurous cook in the world!).....I've purchased the wine and Irene has made "our" food contribution!

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