Thursday, June 07, 2012

2 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary for joining ACN - wow, where did that time go?  I've had my ups and downs with joining such a large organization with so many well established traditions and such a strong culture!  That said, I really do like the people and I've learnt a huge amount.  I am looking at rolling off my current roll at the end of this month, so moving to a new project will be like starting a new job (we all know how much I like to do that....).  We have a client presentation for the proposal next week so, if we win that, that's most likely where I will go.  I will really miss my current team and the client - it's been a challenging role at times but I've really like the people.  The team are great fun, but folks move on, I am just one of many.
This weekend we have our "Prom"; swanky party they have at City hall.  It's for ACN Northern California folk so I think over 1000 people will attend.  Everyone will be all flashed up.  I am sort of looking forward to it and sort of nervous.  I think I'll mostly enjoy the pre-event gathering as it will be small and with folks I know.  Not sure how the bigger event will go, although I will know at least some people there. We shall see we shall see we shall see.

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