Friday, September 29, 2006

Casual observations

The USA really is big - okay this isn't rocket science but as I've been looking at possible jobs to apply for I've been checking out what state they are in and the city websites. Each state is distinctly different and the cost of living changes wildly depending on where you are. I found a site that lets me compare the cost of living with relative salaries (yes sometimes I find myself tedious too). Using NY as the basis I compared salaries and the cost of living with Atlanta (yep one of many possible destinations). Cost of living in NY is 47% higher than Atlanta (no big surprise) but, on average, companies in Atlanta offer salaries around 15% lower than NY.............not hard to figure where the money is.
Have to confess that one of my homing criteria is whether or not there appears to be an active, positive queer community. Wow checking that out has been a surprise too. Some of the "smaller cities" (relative term) seem to have heaps going on and look like they might be fun - others, including some of the bigger cities, seem deathly. Still not fair to just go on a website but I need to start somewhere.
Mostly the sort of work I have been focusing on is consulting, with travel (25 - 50% of the time would suit me fine..........the joys of being a singleton) and a decent salary of course.
On a more practical note this week we have finished painting the barn. My painting buddy is 80 years old and owned diners in NY state for 40 years. Got a great brooklyn accent and has some great stories. He was also a fire figher in his youth so has taught me much about how to move a ladder without getting a hernia. Peter only works mornings and starts at 7am so guess who's been getting her sorry ass out of bed at 630 - can't quite believe it myself but have loved being outside doing something physical and can see the merits of rolling out of bed just as the sun rises and the birds start up. Don't get overly excited though - it really only works because I don't have to say much until morning tea!
It has taken me a while to get used to the altitude as well - but that seems to have come right, although I am definitely off some of the foods I used to love (fish and olives don't seem to have the same appeal). Random food fact: at higher altitudes it takes twice as long to boil an egg - I don't know why, it just does and I refuse to be so geeky as to "Ask Jeeves".

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