Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Xmas New Zealand

Here's a little Xmas cheer (thanks effe.........).
Been off to the movies and saw The Good Sheperd which is the story of how the CIA was created. Actually it's not really quite as dry as that sounds. It's really the personal story of one guy (Matt Damon) and his family (Angelina Jolie) and is directed by Robert De Niro. It's well over two hours long and intense so don't go if you're looking for a Xmas chuckle. Went and saw Cassino Royale as well - that's really good (does help if you are a fan of 007).
Had my first solo drive (shuffling cars to the airport for K&B returning from NY). Which was a little nerve wracking but no car or body parts were lost in the making of the story - there are some crazy drivers in this town and nobody but nobody lets you into any lane anywhere. B assures me that's not the case in NY and just seems to be how they do things around here.
Watched Eddie (resident cowboy), Renee (his wife and "house manager" for the main house - she calls herself housemaid but I don't think that quite captures it) and their daughter give injections to their calves. Bein' a city girl it was, well, quite a startling process (Greytown gals already laughing - I can hear you). They drive the calves down a channel, caputure them one at a time at the end by dropping one gate and closing the calves heads in another - all very quick and aggressive. Ears then get tattooed, shots given (vets did that) and then calves released to go to mama. Despite Eddies generous offer I declined to be part of the "herding the cattle" to the far end of the Ranch...........pointing out to him (as he well knows), putting me on a horse to take anything anywhere would most likely take a week and I couldn't guarantee we would have half the number of cattle we started with.
We are having Xmas dinner on the ranch - it will be a food extravaganza (my role is cheese board so I'm not feeling overly pressured). Then we are going to watch a DVD on the big screen. Simple and nice.
Snow is melting away but still plenty for the dogs to play in and enough to give the illusion of a white Xmas. For New Year we are thinking about having fireworks down at the rifle range and inviting staff and family - going to check out the local fireworks factory outlet (yep right here in Moriarty.....).
Oh not sure that I have explained but Stanley itself actually only consists of a post office. Before I leave I am going to take a photo as a reminder.
Random disturbing fact of the week - while shop lifting continues to be a problem for all retailers bookstores report that the single most stolen book is the bible!
Religious or not that whole idea kinda does your head in.

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