Sunday, January 07, 2007

Random update

A week can be a long time. We got a second and much bigger dump of snow last week so I spent two days solid shovelling snow. Firstly off the roof of the Adobe (General Store) with Renee and K. Roof leaks so we had to shift it all. Then a second day shovelling snow off one of the decks at the main house (so it doesn't leak.......). Upside was I was actually physically able to do it - not so sure I could have achieved such a feat when I first arrived.
Best missed photo opp had to be when I was out walking the dogs in the snow. Luckie and Duke startled a jack rabbit from under a tree, which then promptly lept over the wall of snow onto the road where Khan and I were standing. I kid you not the jacket rabbit, mid flight and about to land on Khan used its back legs to bounce off her head and sprint off down the road......followed by three equally startled dogs, with Khan in the lead. All happened about two feet from me and was really a "national geographic" moment.
Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as the first female Speaker of the House and gave quite an impressive performance - particularly inviting all the children in attendance to come up and touch the speakers gavel (quite a sweet moment but I get the feeling she's no soft ass!).
Ongoing controversy re.Iraq as Bush's answer seems to be send more troops (20,000 infact) and spend more money - Democrats not impressed and, honestly, where will they get 20,000 troops from? Watching the politics unfold from within the US is fascinating. It never is out of the news and everyday they give an update on the number of US soldiers killed. Given New Mexical is the poorest state in the country alot of the troops hail from here (nice little recruiting initiative) and/or other poor communities. Alot of the cars have ribbons on them with the names of family members serving - startling and a little scary how many there are.
On a different note (and for an artistic giggle) check out the odd spot link on the right hand side - there is some amazing/odd/stylish and very creative stuff featured.
One for the girls: the fourth season of the L-Word starts tonight (2 hr feature). Has had quite a build up here so will let you know how it rolls out..........

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