Sunday, September 09, 2007

That was big

Last week would be classified in my world as "a big week". Not least of which because I sat and passed my practical driving test. I sat the written a few weeks back (no I'm not one to share all of my possible failures in advance so I didn't share that - announcing that I had failed that would have been.......humiliating!). Things of note from both. The written test actually has a lot of driver safety tips in it, rather than the law itself. Each state is different and mostly if you move to a new state you have to re.sit the written test........well actually maybe that's only a rule in California. Because I'm also an international driver I had to do the practical as well. Bloody hell - the thought of it freaked me out for ages then it became clear I couldn't get my bike licence without my drivers licence (well I could but it all amounts to the same thing) and your drivers licence is your primary from of ID for everything here. I booked a two hour lesson with a drivers school (I've not driven since I left the ranch) and wanted some pointers on what the examiner looks for. Glad I did - there are some tricky things to know here. Well not least of which you can turn right on a redlight.......almost always if the road is clear...........pedestrians and bikes are gods (well in theory at least and for the purposes of the drivers licence)........intersections without lights, he or she who arrives first leaves've got to remember who arrives when - tricky. Anyway the test itself takes all of 15mins and involves driving around this complicated set of intersections - they didn't make me drive on the freeway (lucky as I haven't done that at all in California). Now I just need to forget everything I learned and try and keep one step ahead of the crazies on the road.
Went to my job interview. It went really well and they want me to come back next week to meet the next level of managers and the woman whose project I maybe on. BIG BIG scary was the one I said I wanted. Couldn't help myself, it's only just started and sounds like a really big challenge and that I could learn alot from the woman leading it. Seems most of the project teams have a majority of woman in them. Professionally (to avoid the sniggers), I've never worked with a team where woman are the majority. That should be interesting. Downside of the deal is commuting to San Jose is actually quite a long jaunt if I am relying on public transport. Even with the bike it wouldn't be the best road to commute on. So have been thinking about starting out with getting a "ride share" with someone who commutes from Santa Cruz then if it proves a long term thing will most likely have to move some place closer. Not San Jose - really it is full of these lovely landscaped office towers owned by big tech coys.
Alongside all this I am still doing the book but it will be finished by Xmas and really I can't afford to turn away work that lands in my lap..........well I hope it will!
Been investigating buying motorcycle boots - which might have been a very useful thing to have last time I almost killed myself riding and mashed my ankle. For those that fear - the scars continue to be a reminder that you should wear the right gear and you shouldn't ride when your mind isn't on the game.
Next Sunday I've been invited to a "pool party" in Walnut Creek about 35mins outta SF. It's a good opportunity to meet more people (mixer straight and queer). I've also been invited to a strictly girl mixer in SF on the Saturday. Tricky travelling, will see how it works but at the very least will go to the pool party.
On the quirky side I was walking down the street and this little guy holding a container of the very tiniest origami birds hands me one - not looking for money just sharing the love - that is Santa Cruz for you.

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