Saturday, September 01, 2007

Oneth again in the USA

It is the first of Sept here so this is the anniversary of my arriving in the USA! It seems like a long time ago that mum and I flew into San Fran, sat in Union Square eating half a panni each and enjoying the combined effects of jetlag and a glass of wine!
Last night we (my flatmate Margaretha and her very lovely boyfriend Zackery) "grilled" - that would be BBQ'ed - then went out and enjoyed serveral very fine cocktails at a local bar..........combined with some hefty debate on politics, academia and life in the USA. 'twas a lovely evening. Today I've been sitting in the sun chatting with someone new I have met (see I am meeting people) and generally having a good time.
Mid last week I got emailed about a job in San Jose (working for a Silicon Valley IT firm) and had a remarkably pleasant telephone interview with the recruiter. All prompted by a job I had applied for in March - they still had my resume and have some comms consulting roles. It's probably the most honest job interview I've ever experienced - the recruiter really wanted to nail down what I could do and how that could fit with what they need and she was happy to talk money.......candidly. Anyway going to meet next week and talk some more. It's a contract role and, yes, it's in comms.
This months been a bit of a tipping point in a whole bunch of ways - really deciding I need to start seriously thinking/looking for work (although I wasn't actively seeking the opportunity that seems to have drifted my way), meeting new and different people (yes I have been doing some "dating" hehehehee - I even surprise myself sometimes) and fixating on how best to fund this bike (well that's what works all about really). For the first time I have really started to see a picture of how my life here could roll out. I feel easier in the world and can feel my mind needing to stretch and expand's a tragic personality quirk that inevitably leads me to embark on "grand, time consuming, occassionally stressful.........but always entertaining" pathes.
Today I am most happy to be me!

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