Friday, June 20, 2008

37 degrees and climbing

I kid you not, it's was an "off site" day i.e. working from home so no air conditioning for me (truth is I freeze in the San Jose office and my hands often feel like icicles during the day)! Day started at 630am with a conference call to Europe.....fair enough - they come to late/early calls all the time. Working from home does not translate into "working less" ended at 6pm - that is a long day! Notwithstanding the heat; I do like my work and love my boss - it is nice to be able to influence things and work for someone who is smart and funny. My team continue to amaze me - deliver quality work in, often, unreasonable timelines! As the day finished I headed down to the beach; Ipod headphones glued to my head (day of talking to people does not prompt an evening of same) to watch the crazies convince themselves that the water was not straight off the polar ice cap. It was hot, really really hot........I still did not feel prompted to venture in!

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