Monday, April 18, 2011

US Tax

oook, it's that time of year.  On the most basic level I am entirely freaked out by numbers; tax, money - so the U.S taxation system is beyond freaky.  I have no problems with the notion of tax, actually think it's a good thing. Would very much like the proceeds of it to go to worthy causes (but that's a different story).  But yep, on balance, happy to pay, love to pay, willing to pay.....but it's really really confusing here.
Seriously if, on my very best day, I could stumble through the NZ system then the U.S tax system is worse than a worse thing.  Bless Michelle who put me on to her accountant!  In the scheme of things my tax is actually quite simple (by US standards).  But there is state tax and there is federal tax and then I'm subject to the Terrorism Act (omg, yes, seriously), which means any offshore funds I have have to be declared to the dime in the event that I am funding some terrorist plot. Now I'm not being flippant, because we know that actually happens.....but when you are me, who barely keeps track of her bank account (but has become much more vigilant of late), when your accountant says "TRA", umm yeah, I'm taking notice.  Of course the NZ system doesn't much care about all that......for them I am not tax resident - although according to my ex.NZ tax consultant the NZ system can't quite switch off the endless letters.......seriously.....although nothing for this been gone four, how hard is it?
So it's tax time - I'm all good, apart from the fact I find it all very confusing, totally trust my accountant and seriously wonder how 'non-english' speaking folk navigate the system!

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