Thursday, June 02, 2011

Working from home

The client has had an offsite for the last two days so it's been blissful working from home!
Last night I went out for an 8miler and tried out my new toy - love her!  She tracks precisely and is easy to read on the run, all the info downloaded easily and, even better, the program creates an actual map of where I ran so I can save it and compare my times each time I run it....these are the things I care about.
Today this book arrived in the post, it's made me very happy and I am already about a quarter of the way through it.  Very informative and a great buy.
Picture on the right is what we woke up to last week - a giant Aids ribbon on Twin Peaks.  It's a an Aids memorial marking 30 years since Aids was first recognized.  It's very impressive and, given how far Twin Peaks is away it's also very large.
Just for giggles I've added a pic of Monica (one of the consultants I work with).  I'm sure she wouldn't be overly delighted that I've posted it but I can't resist.  She's wearing one of the St Patrick day hats one of the other vendors was handing out.  She spontaneously put it on so I couldn't resist the pic.  She's one of those people who initially come across as very quiet then her humour rolls out.  And I gotta say she's one of the smartest people I've ever met.....I figure she could do anything she puts her mind to.  We've made a great team as we have complimentary skills in alot of ways (she's like a rat up a drain pipe with detail!).  Between Katy and my chattering about training we've managed to lure her into running....although she's tiny, I'll have to encourage her to eat more or she might fall over!

Also included a cute pic of Lotte, this an example of the very sad little depressed girl when Irene leaves her at home.......well it's either this or lounging on my bed in the sun....this was particularly cute though as she wandered into the lounge leapt upon the couch and just propped her head on the couch to gaze out the window.
Back in the office tomorrow, Friday- bunch of meetings but also bagel day (Tuesdays are fruit day) when bagels and the various condiments spontaneously arrive in the office.
Saturday cruising down to Santa Cruz to run a half - given I ran 18 last Sunday I figure I'm good for it.  Although it's a trail run so different type of running so not being smart alec about it so much as know I can do it - gone are the days when a half terrified me, whole new terrors to be explored.
Oh and the run on Sunday was totally lovely, tough but lovely.  I got to Sausilito to discover that, despite my having traversed half the city and crossed the bridge the town center was 14miles, so I had to keep running the extra four or face telling Katy I didn't do what I said I would.  Being in integrity can be a total arse sometimes.  I caught the ferry back and had a lovely chat with a Canadian family, lots of laughs about accents etc and, would you believe, their adult daughter had spent 10 days in New Zealand!

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