Monday, May 30, 2011

Stepp'n it up

I've finally taken a deep breath and committed to changing out one of my beloved gadgets......I've upped my game and invested in a Garmin GPS running watch, leaving behind my NikePlus band.
From this to.....................................................this.

It even looks more serious!  But, as I get my head to the notion that I really am going to run an UltraMarathon (50m/80k), then I really have to get a little more technical and complicated about my whole training regime.  I loved the Nike band and still think it's a perfectly fine investment for anyone getting out there and giving running a go.  Did me fine for the marathons but the ultras require something a little different.  As well as GPS the Garmin has a heart rate monitor, will be more accurate overall and allows me to do all sorts of calculations around my pace etc etc etc.  Running with Katy really prompted it.  Given she does ironmans she has this "mini" computer strapped to her wrist, honestly it's the size of 2x match boxes stacked on top of one another, it's also waterproof - something I don't need to care about.  Anyway, after some research, ordered this gadget and will see how it turns out.
Karen and Brice here for the day Friday, lovely to see them and enjoy some quiet chat time as well as dinner with Irene along for the Gordon/Stewart experience.
Also went to the movies with Irene's family to watch The Cave of Forgotten Dreams in 3D.  This was amazing, this cave has drawings in it dating back 32000 years and was only recently discovered (early 80s).  It's hugely protected with very very limited access so watching the film is the only way 99% of the world will get to see it.  Not a film I might have chosen out of the pack but definitely worth seeing.
It's Memorial Day weekend, so with Friday off, I get a four day weekend.  I am just gearing up to head out on a run to Sausalito - includes running across the Bridge then around the Bay a little ways.  I'll take the Ferry back to SF and hope to make it about an 18 miler......she boldly says.

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