Irene arrived from Australia on Boxing Day and we hang out in Havelock for another two days, checking out the Napier Art Deco and Irene river swimming while Janine and I watched followed by a yummy lamb chop dinner.

Cruising in Rose's car we then headed back to Auckland via Taupo and Rotorua. This was fun as it's always interesting to see the country through the eyes of someone who has never been there before. We stopped at Huka Falls. I haven't been there in about 15 years I think. All still rather impressive I have to say.
As we travelled a couple of things I really noticed; how clean the country is, very little trash at the side of the road and the lack of roadside advertising, even as you approach small towns; a general air of well being, really not a lot of "rundown" or poorly maintained farms or houses in evidence (it all felt much "wealthier" that I remembered); good roads, really good roads, startlingly good roads; good driving, seriously I expect most NZers wouldn't think so and the road toll was horribly high for the xmas period but I saw very little bad driving and people mostly kept to good speeds without going crazy (of course it only takes on person to stray across the line and it's carnage.....). I wouldn't say there was no traffic but it was pretty low stress. I think I'm immune these days. Everyday I battle the freeway to and from work - that's alot of traffic, so NZ did feel relatively light weight on the traffic front.
Arriving in Auckland we stayed at Rose and Jos (both out of town so just us) and went out to dinner with Gwenda (I had stayed with Gwenda and Karen my first night/day in NZ so it was an additional bonus to spend time with G. again). We went to Soul Bar which has been around for ever it seems. The Viaduct it self looked amazing, clearly benefiting from the Rugby World Cup in terms of it's development.
While not in this shot (which I didn't take btw), there is a whole new area that has been developed, also full of restaurants and street art. A small area but all quite impressive.
Following day we headed up to Rawhiti to meet "the girls" and enjoy a new round of adventures!