Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Speechless and perhaps a little insane

Speechless and insane may not necessarily be related....but they could be!  I am speechless because I literally am speechless.  That cold/flu travelled rapidly downward to my voice box and I am down to a whisper.  Based on the blog history I have lost my voice 4 times in the last two years.  I am not at all sure what that means but a consultant without a voice is a little ironic.
Insane as I have registered for the 50 miler, going against some of the advice I have been reading about the type of race to choose for your first.  I've chosen the Tahoe Midnight Express Ultra (check it out on the right).  Actually it's really just a "bit" player inside the 72 miler and a whole bunch of other activities happening over a three day period.  Some key facts:

  • Held at Lake Tahoe: in context Tahoe is 72m/115kms around the rim as compared to Lake Taupo which is 119m/193kms
  • Elevation ranges from 6300ft - 7000ft: so start high and go up, then down and more up and down
  • Night time road running - starts at 10pm so you run through the night
  • No aid stations until mile 46 - I have to have my own support van with all my food etc etc etc
I don't think it's the easiest race to have chosen but it appeals in a bunch of ways.  Like the idea of running at night and like that it's roadway.  Like that my peeps are with me the whole way.  Like that it is small (seriously around 20 started the 72miler last year and only 8 did the 50miler.  We all start at the same time but my expectation is I'll be about last in the pack.......start slow and taper......
Now I have my heart set on it I just have to do the work to achieve it, one step at a time.

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