Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nothing much is happening

I'm running a lot and waiting for my next project.  Running a lot translates into 50m/80km a week - I like it.  I've signed on for various "races" but suspect everyone is pretty bored with my talking about it so won't over share, check out Future Challenges.  Not having a project is proving to be deadly dull (although I'm assured by others this is "the best" time).    I kind of hate it - I'm not used to doing "nothing".
I ran the Marin Headlands again on Saturday.  OMG, it was tough and I beat my last time by all of 1 min.  It was so hot......warm water, bleech.  But I made it last for the full 26 miles (this I failed last time, running out 2 miles before the end, bad bad bad).  My body felt wrecked.  It's so much harder to run in the heat (don't get me wrong, I've looked at the Arctic races too, it's not like they are "easy").  This was tough though as I'm experimenting with different foods.  I have to run twice that for the 50m and need to eat along the way.  This is tough.  Irene is being very hardcore with me about getting my nutrition right.  She's part of my support crew for the 50 miler and she has a much better sense of nutrition.  I'm working on it........

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