Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How it was

So I've kept thinking that I have to tell some deep story about the 50 miler.  Edit it, turn it into something.  It was something, it really was.....but you know I had this amazing documentarian along for the ride.  She caught a bunch of moments and I've decided not to edit any of it but invite you into how she recorded it.

Every picture tells a story so I'll give you some snapshots of what I felt/thought when Irene posted these shots:

  • wow, that's how it looked
  • it was dark, really really really dark
  • for every moment captured here I had the same moment and then some of being alone,  in the dark.  One part was scary, 20-30 miles.  The road was gnarly it was the magic hours (midnight to 4am).  I could only assume every fool on the road was drunk or off it and I had to move hard up against the  guard rail more than once
  • I met the team at maybe 3/4am and they collectively looked humbled me as I knew they were there for me and they had individually made some collective sacrifices to be there but were 100% with unreasonable request and they all showed up
  • Mile 30, I can't say how relieved I was to see the crew.  This was the turning point the unknown and they were still there......
  • Katy joined me to run 17 miles from the end, we fell into a pattern.  Something easy and familiar and concurrently Marcia arrived from the side and I knew where Irene would the end, filming
  • The last 6 miles were tremendously difficult, I knew I'd make it, it just wasn't pretty.  But the team were was surreal and I really did have to rely on them to figure some things out, more than they knew I suspect
  • Katy had some great lines when we hit a hill she didn't expect (well I knew it was coming....she'd forgotten) "Jody wtf is this?" and by fav "okay now you are running like an old woman".  She was running with a back injury.....seriously toughing it out.  Marica was forever present and incredibly pragmatic bringing all the practical things into play and very encouraging.  Irene was/is a quiet talisman.  She was unwell and I knew it and felt it so seeing her was an important touchstone.....she was ill and still there, I was hurting but felt a deep obligation to deliver on it all
So there it is.  There are subtle insightful things to say....but there it is.  It's was an awesome experience and I've chosen another 50 miler for next year.  I just have to register in time before it closes (registration hasn't opened yet).  Running 50 miles is difficult, not to be taken lightly, demands a bunch of stuff....but I liked it......

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