Sunday, June 09, 2013

Time ticks on....well it races on....

It's June and this has been a BIG year and far from over!  My health is good but not quite "there" yet.  I have the marathon as my goal and this takes both a physical and mental commitment (I am not entirely in charge of the physical bit! And not always as strong mentally as I would like.....recovery is exhausting!).  Really there is nothing wrong beyond getting over surgery.  I am working on it and Sharene is helping me with her knowledge of massage and generally being an easier person in the world physically than I am.  I don't much like being uncomfortable in my body and, really, I feel a thousand times better than I did before the surgery.  Funny how we sometimes don't even know how unwell we are and then we are forced to deal and get reminded.  So, whinging aside, I am really really good.
Work is intense and busy and I am starting to feel and get what it means to have that promotion and be a senior manager at my company.  I also feel I need to understand and decide my commitment to this.  I don't mean day to day.....we are an up or out culture, so I have four years (one down) to either decide I am on the path to partner or .... decide I am not and figure out what is next.  Right now I am a little overwhelmed to think I can even choose a path to partner and have them think that's vaguely reasonable..... well they've told me it's a long way from getting on that plane in NZ with no job, nothing being quite what I thought it would be and just "believing" in something......

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