Saturday, August 27, 2011

Reading & Running

I have just finished reading this book about a NZ ultra marathon runner.  Given that, not that long ago, she ran across NZ some folk reading may already know about her.  The book itself isn't wildly well written but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  It is heavy with NZ speak and I can almost hear her accent as I read.  She run through the Sahara Desert several times and the Libyan Desert as well.  It's quite amazing to read about some of the personal and physical challenges she has dealt with.  She also designs jewelry and has both an online store and a physical store in New Plymouth!  I find reading this stuff inspirational, even if I failed miserably to get out of bed early enough this morning to run my planned will now be tomorrow.  Despite waking at 7:30am  I had missed my window to get through Fisherman's Wharf and across Golden Gate and back before the maddening crowds.  Tomorrow up at 5:30 and on the road no later than 6:15.....that's the plan, gotta stick to it!

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