Monday, September 03, 2012

Labour or Labor weekend.....depends where you are living

It's a long weekend after a long week!  Long because the whole promotion thing, new role in the new project, stepping up to new things etc etc is all.....tiring (all that hugging and handshaking).  Being promoted has meant a whole bunch of interactions that I wasn't quite geared up for - you know; congratulations, responding to other people's emotional reactions, trying to figure out what it means etc etc.  It's been a little overwhelming.  You'd think at 45 I'd have more of this figured out, but I don't; I'm always bemused and confused in these moments......never really sure how they happen nor how I should respond.  I just figure I'll take The Mothers advice for about everything, keep going.
Weekend has been low key.  Lotte and Irene are in Reno - so the house is quiet.  The training plan for the ultra was harsh; 4hr run on Saturday, 5hrs on Sunday.  It's all so close now but not quite close enough. I am tired of the regime  and how it dominates my mind (did I do or not do what is required.....).  The team is in place and next weekend Katie and I head to Tahoe to check out the course.  Wow, she's been amazing, I completely trust her to get me through with Irene and Marcia, who are also being amazing.  As we head into the race I feel much like I did for the NY Marathon, emotional and fragile, fearful and certain that I can do it if I am the person I promised myself to be......
I worked some of the weekend, trying to demonstrate stepping up into my new role - right now it feels like a big life.......

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