Sunday, August 12, 2007


And spelling........"Eats, shoots and Leaves". I know I know I know. There are spelling mistakes and gramatical errors in abundance in the blog - you are mostly too polite to say. I am, as we know, neither a grammar nazi nor a spelling's a wonder I ever got employed as a consultant........let alone keep readers here where the spelling and grammar is all to hell. Shut up about the grama and the spellink - well mostly you do. I can hear you even if you don't say it. Mostly when I post I don't care to edit that much. That's the point; the first thing I write is close to the last thing you get. Sometimes I read back and cringe too. But really, when I chatted to you face to face I didn't always get it right then's free flowing. Sometimes it is enthusiasm, I am thinking faster than my fingers can type.......that's just dumb. For the book I take more care (and I have my little grammar Nazi but a breath away)........that's the point........for the things where, really, it might matter.......I take more care. I love being able to write when there is no book deal academic qudos to be one to care, but me. But then really I want a book deal and academic that's not all quite true either!

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