Friday, August 03, 2007

Social networking

Well I just don't remember being this confused in NZ.....maybe I didn't care.......but here there are multiple channels for connecting on line. Three quick and easy ones, blogging (clearly my medium of choice), face book........and MySpace. Right then, I chose the blog so that everyone I already knew could keep up with what I was doing. It never occured to me that anyone I didn't know might want to keep up with what I was THINKING..........But apparently it's big here. I've been asked several times if I have a MySpace page. Ummmm no.....seems weird to me. I suppose in someways the blog is the same, except those of you that are reading don't identify yourselves to one another. Well it's all about me - I'm fine with that. I haven't bothered to do enough research on MySpace vs Facebook (secretly thinking it's all in the marketing anyway). I kinda like the bloggers I find - I've surfed into a few MySpace pages and never really thought about Facebook. I guess if I wasn't a blogger (who chose a host who makes it too scary for most to comment) you could all now race in with your opinions. Oh the host I chose wasn't intentional by the way, it was just the first host I came across when I thought having a blog was a good idea - see you all think I am much sneakier than I am sometimes. Anyway I guess that's the difference. Blogging is a little "one way", unless you take the big leap offered by Blogger. Although I could, like the other sites, make my blog private - but then that wouldn't seem to be in the spirit of the thing (at least for me). And I invited some people to read it who may or may not be actively taking up the offer - it would seem rude to now push you away - even if we no longer have contact and I don't have your email address (and you don't have mine). Actually when I reflect on it I think I like just putting up what I think. It's all about me me me...........those of you with my email address let me know what you think (okay sometimes some of you are too polite). Those of you without have to leap into cyber space with me to let me know - few have and that's okay too. Some of you are among the "secret readers" - I've got a counter, I know you are out there. Actually I put the counter on when I went throuh a moment of insecurity many months ago - thinking that no one cared anyway so I'd just stop blogging entirely. The numbers kept going up, I felt gratified, ego satisfied (I really don't care to know everyone that might be reading - unless you think it's important - I just cared that someone was reading and it might be the same small group checking in..........I just cared someone was reading and I wasn't just talking to myself - I now have my book blog for that) so I've kept going. I like that my family read it and I find it hugely funny and ironic that the friends (and family too) probably know more about my life on a daily/weekly basis through the blog than they ever did when I was in NZ. That's my random thought for the day. If you are bored with me go to the header and click on the "next blog" and see what other people are thinking.........avoid the porn (or enjoy it if you have a mind), check the photos on the pages you can't read because they aren't in english (unless I have secret bilingual readers.......that's a nice thought, but I don't think my blog is nearly interesting enough to hold the interest of "random stranger"). Sometimes the "next blog" is good, that's how I found Odd Spot - I've found others too, keep clicking.......there's a whole other world out there!

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