Friday, April 19, 2013

Daily life and Boston

Week two is done.  Work is finding it increasingly difficult not to email me.  I am ignoring most of it, except those that directly impact my team and the impending performance review process.  Of course this week was punctuated with the Boston bombing.  It saddens me deeply that something as simple as a marathon can be used in this way.  It seems twice as sad that it was the spectators who bore the brunt, I haven't yet seen mention of a runner being badly hurt.  Watching a marathon seems such an innocent past time.  It also does make me realize how much living here is right for me.  I feel attached to these events, how they are handled and the outcome in the way I would in NZ.  The US has become my home.  2006 (when I immigrated) seems such a long time ago and so much has happened.  This blog is a useful reference for me as it really tells the story of my journey here and my own personal evolution.  I can't say that I would have felt the same affinity to those runners a few years I am as determined as the rest to reclaim the right to run without fear and enjoy the spectators support.  The difference between "a long run" and "a marathon" are the spectators......without them it's just another training day.

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