Friday, April 26, 2013

More boring

I continue on the path of healing! Today I went to Sharene's naturopath and her massage therapist.  Right or wrong, better or worse menopause is here.......awesome!  That said, there are some things to consider.  My surgeon wasn't all gun-ho on HRT, gave me some options and today I went and spoke to the naturopath.  Wow, there's a lot of stuff to consider and options.  For the record post-op I didn't need nor want to take the big arse painkillers I had prescribed.  They were there if I needed them, but I didn't.  So I was also interested in not necessarily going into HRT by default.  Kudos to my surgeon, he doesn't think prescribing just "because" is worth it either.
So today I sat through 90mins of a lot of options, choices, things to think about.  I have no interest, nor fascination with all this stuff.  Firstly, just like my mum, I don't care to take synthetic, prescribed anything......on the upside, simple painkillers work for me.... paracetomol in NZ or tylenol in the US.  Secondly, tell me what I gotta do and I'll do now I have a bunch of stuff to take.  Ironicallly, and by default, there's one thing I have been taking thanks to Ironman Girl that works awesomely for menopausal woman......that's my life right now....boring but true.

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