Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hello San Fran

The funny thing about blogs is that they prompt you to feel like you need to say something.....quite often. Those that know me best know that I am not wildly good at "sharing" unless I am constantly jabbed in the ribs ie nagged to death, or suddenly feel/realise that I really should share as people might actually like to know what is going on and "sharing" is a good thing (it's a personal kwirk and not something I do consciously, I just forget that I haven't shared.......except when I know I am not sharing). So, in the interests of "sharing" - I have landed in San Fran, it has been a little culture shock (although not insurmountable) and 3 days in I am a little less shocked than I was on day 1. I have, after all, lived a very sheltered life for the past 5 months - thank you K&B.......who don't live a sheltered life but have patiently waited for me to emerge from my personal cave.
I am now living in the worlds smallest room (albeit with kitchenette that has no actual kitchen equipment). Tomorrow I will ask to be "up graded" and possibly take on a one month lease as, in the end, the place is as cheapas and I am unemployed. That all sounds quite easy, but we shall see and I do, of course, have a backup plan.
I appear to be in a safe area, other tenants appear sane, drug free and able to smile and be pleasant - this is San Fran on the cheap so these things are not to be under estimated. There really is the most fab supermarket down the road (Wholefoods, a fav of K&Bs) and even closer a slightly less glamorous one that I really should shop at, and have..........although sometimes you just want quality over quantity.........for a price.
Yesterday I went to the Chinese New Year Parade and watched all the floats - chatting casually with the people next to me. San Fran folks are mighty friendly and strike up a conversation at the drop of a hat - look a little confused and someone comes up and asks if they can help (this all before 7pm, later in the night I just can't say).
Took a breath - got over my shy self - and called Karen and Eve's friend Leslie (random friend-of-friend moment 1). She was simply fab. Came and picked me up and we went for coffee and a walk in the Castro district (queer capital of San Fran). She was very funny and I laughed alot. All in all a very pleasant "outing"'s been a while.
Yes I have started to apply for work. A combination of "cold calls" (really challenging my shy self) and actual jobs. Time will tell. Oh they are not all in San Fran, but so far all in California.
Sometimes I wonder what the hell I am doing and then I realise that I am doing what I always said I wanted to do - that makes me feel much better for some odd reason that has nothing to do with the logic!
So I have"arrived" in chapter 2 - "entering the truely unknown" (no familial top cover at hand), safe as one can be living in the US and downtownish San Fran, actually committed to getting a job (with good pay and benefits of course) and getting a social life (although not my primary focus........job job job).

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