Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Butt update

Because I know you are all fascinated......I have THE most impressive bruise on my arse!  I refused Irene's kind offer to photograph it and post to the blog, you will just have to imagine.  Today I am going to go for a run - it is still tender but nothing like it was.  Clearly nothing terminal has happened - Monday my body ached from the fall and I got to notice all the other bumps, including the bruising that is around the lil gash I have in my arm - I was a wreck, today I feel positively sparkly by comparison.
Last night I got on a conference call to NY that TFK run about preparing for the marathon.  Apart from the fact that some people are ...... hmmm ...... less than stellar at knowing how to mute their bloody phones so we can hear what the presenter is was excellent.  They took us through the entire course and talked us through pacing, what to watch out for at various stages and even had this very cool idea for surviving the last four miles (given all of us have now run 22).  They suggest dedicating each mile to a person, someone who would never let you down and that you would do about anything for.   Idea is as you start the mile you are focused on that person.  You won't think about them the whole way but when you doubt (or your body does) you just refocus, then the mile is done and you move onto the next person.  I thought it was a cool idea and as good as any to help the mind get over what the body can do but the mind isn't entirely convinced about.


RR said...

Very Buddhist notion that, lovely. It will help. When I've been pushing my body to extreme in retreat (I'm thinking of the Nyung Näs, which I won't even describe because I'll sound like a fanatic or nutter) I'll think about doing it for those who can't (too old, too frail) and those who absolutely won't (my sister etc). Specific people. When we're exhausted (or hurting, struck low by grief etc) our minds get very insular, it's all about me me me. So thinking about other people automatically opens things up, makes it more spacious. And we can achieve more than we realised was possible. Not long now, aye? Full respect to you for thinking big and making brave commitments. And now you're here, just about to step off and meet that challenge. I have your marathon date in my diary, I'll be thinking of you x

Jody said...

Thanks RR, can't quite believe it is here.....although I also feel mildly crazed watching the final days tick down! I really think the idea of focusing on other people is a grand one and I love the way you have put it in your note - it will also make for a less lonely journey in those final miles as I'll surround myself with me fav folk.