Monday, October 18, 2010

My butt hurts

This might be a little TMI but I am 19 days out from the marathon so I get to be a little crazed.  Yesterday I fell down the outside stairs at home.....and my butt hurts!!!!  Clumsy I know but it was raining, the stairs were wet, I was on Lotte watch and taking her out (being on Lotte watch is actually quite nice, it's lovely to have a beastie around again and she is quite a character.....strong character.....anyway back to my butt).  My foot slipped out from under and my right buttock slammed into the step and I promptly slid down two more.  Arrrrrrrrrgh - first thought "fuk, the marathon, I better not have chipped anything", second thought "gotta take Lotte outside".  Poor thing, I gave her about as big a fright as myself.  Apart from the shock, which had me feel kind of ill (but I think that had more to do with thinking maybe I'd screwed the marathon) I appeared to be in reasonable order.....well nothing appeared broken.  Fact is my butt isn't the most heavily padded of places so I still wasn't entirely sure how much damage I had done.  Needless to say spent a good part of the day variously icing my arse and waiting for the bruising to show through.  I am still able to walk but can't run (yet) as I've clearly done some soft tissue there, that's why my butt hurts!
Other things.  I've been involved in some recruiting at work.  This is fun and kind of funny to think I've only been with Accenture for three months and now I get to comment on whether or not someone is a "fit".....funnier still that I have no qualms about saying "no", even if they are a skill fit, much like my old job - people have to fit into the team as well.  All good practice/learning for me and something outside of my day job.  Speaking of, I've learnt more than I ever thought I would about pulling together a training plan....herding cats in the process and generally how bloody complicated it is.  Fortunately Melissa (my current boss) is a guru at this stuff so has been excellent at pointing me in the right direction.  Other fun thing, as a team we've decided to put together a "white paper" on using offshore vs onshore resources for projects.  It will be grand if it all comes together and we get it published (internally)......will see how it goes - just something on the side!
This weekend Irene and I are driving up to Napa for a Cat Power concert.  Needless to say I had never heard of her but Irene is a fan.  Her music kind of suits me, a little mournful and ballad like.....well and she also has some more techno sounding stuff (all of which is a terrible description - so go listen!).
Sunday going around to watch Football (american football) at Zoe and Pams.  They have a bunch of folk coming over - I won't understand what is going on but I'm sure someone will explain!
Then one more week to Rosie.........yippee, then one more week to NY......then four days to Dublin....

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