Sunday, September 05, 2010

Triathlons and why they aren't for me

I've been reading up about triathlons (yes, yes I've become the girl that reads runners magazine).  I'm not reading because I think I want to do one.....seriously it has no appeal at all, I'm reading because people keep telling me that's what I will want to do next.  Honestly, no.....I'm just not interested.  The fact I'm a terrible swimmer and/or may or may not be a terrible biker has nothing to do with it.  Really I just can't be bothered to think that hard about it.  Really, it's very technical, you have to think about a lot of things.  When I run I throw on my shoes (thought hard about that), my running gear (thought about that too), may or may not need to think about hydration/energy......done.....hit the road.  Jeezus the whole tri thing soooooo complicated, gear, bricks, x-training blah blah blah.  In theory I am a candidate for it and I've been pondering why not......hit me tonight (as I finished reading, yet another, article on training for tris).  On a daily basis my day job is actually very complex, lots of moving parts, lots of relationship management, lots of stuff.  Personally I don't need to translate that into my other world.  Lots of tri (ironman) folk have very complex day jobs.....clearly they like the, after the day is done (and it never is which is also what makes it complex), I just don't want to have to organize all that stuff....I really do want to keep it simple.  Now ask me about ultra we might have a conversation........

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