Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Uneventful flight.......preceded the night before by a lovely dinner out with Rose, Jo and Pauline.....followed by a spa in the rain.  The spa has a long long history; Rose having it all those years ago when I flatted with her in New Windsor (affectionately known as "Heart Break Hotel" as a succession of us camped out there post girlie trauma of the moment) this in the early 2000s - so that pool has a lot of stories to tell, none of which I am going to share here and only a third of which I probably know about.  Rose and Jo have built this lovely garden setting that has the spa nicely tucked in behind a little wall of vegetation....grotto like.  Of course that didn't stop us needing to put up a big umbrella while the rain bucketed down.  Last brekkie with Helen on Wednesday then lounged around waiting for my flight.
Interesting now there is a second level of security at Auckland airport (maybe there was last time but I don't recall it working like this).  First round gets you into the international lounge then you do a second round before you go into the US flight lounge.  They were checking names against some list (I assume the no fly list) but I did think it odd that while we went through the x-ray machine again they still didn't make us take our shoes and belts off (which is standard in the US for all air travel......I found internal travel in NZ to be incredibly low stress comparatively - different atmosphere too, here it always seems so much tenser...for obvious reasons, so not so much a criticism as a comment).
I slept on the plane after watching Boy.  I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not, I did.  It is funny in a tragic way - unlike Once Were Warriors the underlying tragedy, neglect and violence is disguised in the humour.  It's definitely a kiwi story and worth watching.
Arrived back to a lovely sunny day and Michelle's shiny new (well almost new) car.  I love my little house, even if it won't be mine much longer, and very excited to start chatting to Irene about moving dates etc etc etc.
Work from home tomorrow....not thinking about it....not sure what I will be doing.....last week at Cisco, sending farewell emails maybe?

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