Friday, May 07, 2010


Most uneventful trip although delighted to have had three seats to myself on the plane so that I could lay down and get some sleep.......most happy as I really could lay flat!
One notable moment was Rose arriving at the airport on crutches!!!! Apart from the fact it was 5:45am (now that's a pal) I hadn't registered that the sprained ankle has turned into a broken one.  Owwwww makes my joints ache to even think about it.
Anyhoo arrived back at Ms Peel (Rose and Jo's house) to have several cups of very strong coffee and Poppy (the dog) happily lounging in my lap (I hear you sobbing Michelle, she is as cute as ever btw).  Jo eventually surfaced and I chatted to her for a while before I headed off to the supermarket to spend outrageous amounts of money on.........not much.  Doesn't help that the nearest supermarket is at the pricer end of the spectrum, but wow either my tastes have got very expensive (yes yes I hear the laughter) or this town has - and that is saying something from someone who lives in California where the cost of living ain't exactly cheap. 
Pal Leah (who I haven't seen in maybe 7 years) came and picked me up and we headed over to "The Shore", chattering away before heading to lunch (yum sashimi).  Lovely to see her, not much changed and great to catch up on life.
Got home and headed out for a run.  Got lost of course, forgot cars DON'T have to stop for pedestrians except under very specific circumstances (i.e. traffic lights and ped crossings) AND look right then left before crossing the road.  Needless to say I got more than one adrenalin surge as I was reminded of these things.  I had to ask for directions twice (oh the bliss of only having to ask once and people knowing what the hell I was saying - never under estimate the ease of your native tongue).
Today (apart from clearly being awake at 5am - earlier truth be told but I stayed in bed as long as I could having stayed up as late as I could) off to breakfast with another pal then heading out to Odessa and Yolanta's lil "ranch" and then someones birthday drinks in the evening (I am the token "visitor from America".........I expect they will be most disappointed when they register I don't have an American accent and am not, at least for now, an American at all).  Tomrorrow, trail run.......followed by recovery I expect.

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