Friday, May 21, 2010

Last day in Wellington

Today is my last day in Wellington.  Yesterday I flew to Nelson for the day (the weather here was crap but Nelson really turned it on, gorgeous sunny day).  I met up with an old school friend that I haven't since we were 18.  We didn't immediately recognize each other at the airport (although really she's hardly changed) so stood staring at one another for a while until we both clicked.....then it was off and chattering for the rest of the day.  Of course we each remembered different things from our teen years (although both vividly recall the amount of partying that was done).  Rebecca also had news of other school friends so it was interesting to hear what people have been doing.   Apart from sitting outside in the sun at this cute cottage in an old colonial home (eating lunch and drinking wine) we also went to the Wearable Art Museum.  This was very cool and cleverly set up so you sit down and watch the costumes/clothes roll past you....not unlike the actual show!
Landed back in Wellington and was picked up at the airport and headed out to drinks with a group of folk that informally come together every three weeks.  Great fun and met some old faces as well.  Andrea, Flis and I then went to diner and......karaoke.....this was hilarious.  Andrea can sing and belted out several songs.  Ended up being a very late night (or should I say early morning).
Mum and I are off adventuring today then I am off to a party this evening with another old friend.  Going to keep this evening quiet, in fact as of today back to the no drinking regime as I've been a little neglectful and will, undoubtedly, pay the price when I next see Case.
Auckland tomorrow, three days of adventuring then back to life as I round out my time at Cisco and launch myself into the next new thing.

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