Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good times

It's been a big week.....and still one day to go.  Had a lovely arrival back into Cisco.  I was still in the system so had a less painful start up process than I might have (yay!) and as soon as I was able to log into the instant messaging system I got a couple of very funny messages including; "wtf?", "seriously?" and my personal favourite "Yay Jody's back".  Felt like coming home, although I am in a different business group and on the otherside of the campus, we are all just an IM away.  Lovely landing with the new team too.  Went out for dinner on Tuesday then had a wider team meeting/drinks on Wednesday.  So funny to walk in and know some of the folk already....great to meet others as well.  Also met a couple of the Partners, so bonus to be able to chat to them.  I really am liking it so far and, given I know Cisco, it is not as painful to ramp up on my project as it might be.
Well and here's something that's taken me by surprise.  I am kicking off a process to look at buying a house in San Fran.  Got a mortgage broker I am going to meet with and the name of a credible (I hope) real estate agent.  I just turned a corner in my mind about wanting to own/invest in property again.  It's a great time to buy given the sub-prime debacle - now all I need to know is how much I can borrow and what I can get for the money.
SF Gay Pride is this weekend so going to stay in the city and check out the town.  Honestly I'm a little too tired to really be enthusiastic but figured I should just suck it up and go live a life.....can't run 18 miles every weekend....well that's because my next big run should be 19 miles, that's how it works!
My I-Pad arrived while I was in St Charles so I've been happily playing with!  Motorbike sits a little neglected so Sunday is "sort the bike out" day.  Weather is lovely these days so want to start riding again.

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