Sunday, June 27, 2010

SF Pride March and other entertaining things!

This weekend was SF lots of good times and sights to be seen.  Saturday I drove up to SF to meet up with Marcia and Michelle.  Pride stretches over several days and is a huge event.  In the afternoon we headed off to Dolores Park in the city (we were staying in Auckland so on the other side of the Bay).  The place was heaving with people all celebrating Pride!  Among them Zoe and her ex.Navy pals who I tracked down and ended up going out to dinner with.  They were all here to march in the parade on Sunday where they were championing the campaign to End Don't Ask Don't Tell.  Zoe was also a Grand Marshal for the Parade.  It's a huge honour and recognizes her work to try and repeal DADT.  It also meant she got to ride in a very stylie old car and wave at the crowd..... In a lovely twist she invited me to march with them so Michelle and I ended up marching in the parade!  It was very cool to be part of it and I was amazed at how supportive people were.
As part of all the festivities Michelle, Marcia and I also ended up at Mango (dance bar) - it was great fun and lots of nice people to chat to.  After the parade on Sunday we found a very nice cafe that also happened to be showing the soccer so spent a pleasant hour chilling out eating some very yummy pasta and watching Argentina cream Mexico!
On Saturday I also checked out a possible place to rent and have started looking for possible places to buy as well.  Spoke to the mortgage broker on Thursday.....all good.  Assuming all the pre-approval goes through I can afford something "reasonable" to get myself in the market.  I have the names of a few real estate agents too so going to start that process.  Seems like it's been a very big two months, New Zealand, new job, Chicago, back to Cisco, Pride and now deciding to go house hunting and there's still six more months left in the year; my guess is this is going to be one of "those years" where pretty much nothing will look like it does now in 12 months time.  Not complaining, it's all a grand adventure.


michelle said...


Jody said...

Well and I had the most fab person to walk with me in the parade. Thank ya Dr E.....along way we've come since that first trip to the US!