Saturday, June 19, 2010

One foot in front of the other

Today I ran 18m/'s a loooooooong way!  It was also a trail run so not exactly on the training plan.  I went back out to Wilder Ranch.  My last run here was in November last year and was 7 miles all up.  At the time that was quite a feat and I started out along a similar path so was interested to see how I felt as I reached the turnaround point for the 7 miler.  The answer.....100% different; physically and psychologically.  I am really beginning to understand that the physical part is only half the battle (maybe even less), it's your mind that keeps you out there, negotiating every mile, bargaining with yourself about the rewards at the top of the next hill.  Really I should be out on the road doing this but I wanted to be in the country today, not having to negotiate traffic and people (excluding the mountain bikers....trail runners are also much more friendly than road runners for some reason, always smile or acknowledge, road runners don't, not sure why).  Regardless of whether or not it was the right type of training for me to do it is still the longest distance I have run.  The last two miles were the hardest, it's really just a little taste of what the marathon will bring.  Predictably I went off plan and ended up on quite a gnarly piece of track....I like to think of it as adventuring but it does come at a physical cost.  Views were lovely throughout though; it was sunny but with a delightfully cool breeze, so perfect running conditions.  Legs ached towards the end and were making themselves felt post the run.  I can't imagine how much harder this would all be if Case hadn't worked so hard to build by core strength.  The gap between 18m and 26.1m is big....everyone says it's the last 6-8m that have you cross the threshold of "something".....then it really is all psychological.
Ooooh I am not sure I have shared; Rose is coming to NY to support me while I run.....we are going to set up "meeting points".....I saw this on this doco I watched about people running the Chicago Marathon.  People transited around the course on the subway or bus system, leaping ahead of "their runner", having agreed meeting points.  Very cool and very inspiring I am thinking, particularly towards the end when it will be tough to keep focused.....very excited about having someone I know there with me as it's a big ask to think folk can just rock on over to NY to watch me slog out the run (yes, I know others would come too.....but like I said, my life being all about the marathon doesn't mean everyone else's is.....oh and if you really want to help don't forget you can donate to the charity, Team for Kids that would be VERY cool!).

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