Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Don't panic, I'm not making any....well nothing substantive nor worth commenting on here!  I got an email from a friend noting how much my life had changed in the last year (well truth be told over the last four years).  Got me thinking about how change works in my life (and the irony of my being a management consultant who specializes in change management is not at all lost on me).  I seem to have a remarkable ability and drive to change things up....constantly.  I've never really understood those folk who arrive at a place and stay there, for years and years, maybe tweaking a little here and there but essentially their lives fall into a pattern and they pretty much remain in steady state.  Mostly they seem happy with it (although I have met some notable exceptions and candidly some who hang on to a certain misery because it's familiar and offers some warped sense of security - I am entirely confused by those folk).  It doesn't seem to be in my psyche nor emotional make up to simply arrive some place and stop.  And it's not like I haven't made some wrong turns along the way (wrong job, wrong relationship, wrong town).  I used to (as in in my early 30s) worry that I wouldn't live life's adventures, that I'd "miss out".  I worry less about that these days - although never feel complacent about the current privilege I enjoy.  I think I could do better, live a little more on a day to day basis, but I do get caught up on working towards the bigger goals.  I'd also confess that I really do like my job (and loved my last job too).  I get huge satisfaction out of it, and I know not everyone can say that about their day job.  But it does take up energy and time (of course it brings it's rewards so I get to enjoy some luxurious play time).  Anyway, some naval gazing going on - this reflective of the current work status that requires eye bleeding attention to detail , oh and the joy of mini-me  having plenty of time to ponder life's mysteries while listening to two of my fav country music stations (I hear the groans, I am ignoring them, country DJs can be very very funny and there is only so much "news" a girl can take!).

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