Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Camels in California!

Okay one camel in California and I got to pat him......stinky but a!  Went to a work BBQ at Coyote Ranch in San Jose and the "special guest" was a camel.  Long story but the camel was this weirdly perfect thing for the VP (Vice President) hosting the event to choose as a guest.  I've never seen a camel up-close and personal (yes I know if I really wanted to see a camel I should have gone to Somalia, India, China, name but a few places you can find camels)....but instead, much to my amazement, one trotted out right in front of me in 'lil 'ole California!  Photos tomorrow.
As part of the days events my team also gave me my fare well (including a more than generous gift of a voucher for a meal at a very fine dining establishment....need a date).  Later in the evening a small group of us (including some TechProse folk) headed out for dinner.  All up, very lovely, low key and appropriate - I even relented and hugged everyone (I've always maintained a strict work rule of no hugs, no tears....although a few huggers have got through my defences).
Nice day to be me!


unPC lesbian said...

.....{put's hand up for dinner date}......

PS: word verification is scoxenic, suddenly many definitions spring to mind!

Jody said...

I know I would be guaranteed good company.....would be an expensive cab fare!